2012-13 Operating Expenditures
Dickinson School of Law - General Funds
Administrative Area Summary Report

2012-13  Actual
Dickinson School of Law ExpenseIncome
Academic Salaries11,008,521
Support Salaries3,495,753
Sub-Total Salaries15,117,000
Supplies, Materials & Services410,952
Communication Services 224,492
Travel Expense 789,697
Publications, Printing&Copying197,134
Utilities Purchased 213,790
Property Expense 141,814
Repairs, Alterations & Capital94,056
Insurance & Interest 18,966
Equipment Budget 154,839
Conferences & Group Activities286,055
Supplies & Matls For Resale 38,599
Student Aid 4,721,915
Employee Benefits Billed 101,706
Books & Periodicals 1,383,231
Miscellaneous 1,244,858
Depart Allot Excl Emp Benefits10,022,104
Employee Benefits5,030,830
Sub-Total Departmental Allotment15,052,934
Total Dickinson School of Law 30,169,93430,412,000