2013-14 Operating Expenditures
College of Medicine - University Services Funds
Administrative Area Summary Report

2013-14  Actual
College of Medicine ExpenseIncome
Academic Salaries31,701
Support Salaries1,525,530
Sub-Total Salaries1,756,894
Supplies, Materials & Services799,375
Communication Services 3,996
Travel Expense 22,766
Publications, Printing&Copying9,630
Property Expense 20,296
Repairs, Alterations & Capital5,513,183
Insurance & Interest 8,007
Equipment Budget 470,072
Conferences & Group Activities10,604
Supplies & Matls For Resale 23,298,946
Books & Periodicals 4,150
Freight Charges 29,818
Miscellaneous 1,317,084
Depart Allot Excl Emp Benefits31,507,927
Employee Benefits587,294
Sub-Total Departmental Allotment32,095,221
Total College of Medicine 33,852,11531,933,274