2015-16 Operating Expenditures
Dickinson School of Law - Restricted Funds
Administrative Area Summary Report

2015-16  Actual
Dickinson School of Law ExpenseIncome
Academic Salaries4,818
Support Salaries7,070
Sub-Total Salaries50,917
Supplies, Materials & Services50,122
Communication Services 27,730
Travel Expense 12,182
Publications, Printing&Copying22,888
Property Expense 3,374
Repairs, Alterations & Capital19,737
Equipment Budget 1,840
Conferences & Group Activities84,979
Student Aid 72,648
Books & Periodicals 1,497
Miscellaneous 5,764
Depart Allot Excl Emp Benefits302,761
Employee Benefits7,394
Sub-Total Departmental Allotment310,155
Total Dickinson School of Law 361,072912,668
Indirect Costs Recovered85
Total (Incl. Indirect Costs)361,157912,668