2016-17 Operating Expenditures
Dickinson School of Law - Restricted Funds
Administrative Area Summary Report

2016-17  Actual
Dickinson School of Law ExpenseIncome
Academic Salaries57,795
Support Salaries75
Sub-Total Salaries82,441
Supplies, Materials & Services9,045,495
Communication Services 8,710
Travel Expense 13,362
Publications, Printing&Copying26,704
Property Expense 6,760
Insurance & Interest 139
Conferences & Group Activities98,438
Supplies & Matls For Resale 1,649
Student Aid 92,907
Books & Periodicals 23,023
Miscellaneous 9,379
Depart Allot Excl Emp Benefits9,326,566
Employee Benefits24,994
Sub-Total Departmental Allotment9,351,560
Total Dickinson School of Law 9,434,00111,099,807
Indirect Costs Recovered2,927
Total (Incl. Indirect Costs)9,436,92811,099,807