2018-19 Operating Expenditures
Dickinson School of Law - Restricted Funds
Administrative Area Summary Report

2018-19  Actual
Dickinson School of Law ExpenseIncome
Academic Salaries31,958
Support Salaries0
Sub-Total Salaries63,182
Supplies, Materials & Services1,007,417
Communication Services 1,808
Travel Expense 44,336
Publications, Printing&Copying39,320
Property Expense 5,148
Equipment Budget 5,523
Conferences & Group Activities161,804
Supplies & Matls For Resale 563
Student Aid 107,523
Books & Periodicals 23,091
Miscellaneous 45,186
Depart Allot Excl Emp Benefits1,441,719
Employee Benefits13,688
Sub-Total Departmental Allotment1,455,407
Total Dickinson School of Law 1,518,589735,726
Indirect Costs Recovered517
Total (Incl. Indirect Costs)1,519,106735,726