2019-20 Operating Expenditures
Dickinson School of Law - General Funds
Administrative Area Summary Report

2019-20  Actual
Dickinson School of Law ExpenseIncome
Academic Salaries4,193,133
Support Salaries2,189,114
Sub-Total Salaries6,525,637
Supplies, Materials & Services728,014
Communication Services 41,395
Travel Expense 173,246
Publications, Printing&Copying87,866
Utilities Purchased 159,303
Repairs, Alterations & Capital130,086
Insurance & Interest 4,781
Equipment Budget 114,158
Conferences & Group Activities87,416
Supplies & Matls For Resale 57,105
Student Aid 9,268,259
Employee Benefits Billed 35,110
Books & Periodicals 496,202
Miscellaneous 656,815
Depart Allot Excl Emp Benefits12,039,756
Employee Benefits2,448,953
Sub-Total Departmental Allotment14,488,709
Total Dickinson School of Law 21,014,34621,014,347