2015-16 Operating Expenditures
PA College of Technology - Auxiliary Enterprise Funds
Administrative Area Summary Report

2015-16  Actual
PA College of Technology ExpenseIncome
Academic Salaries0
Support Salaries4,586,000
Sub-Total Salaries6,930,000
Supplies, Materials & Services305,000
Communication Services 124,000
Travel Expense 98,000
Publications, Printing&Copying76,000
Utilities Purchased 1,056,000
Property Expense 59,000
Repairs, Alterations & Capital239,000
Insurance & Interest 176,000
Equipment Budget 84,000
Supplies & Matls For Resale 5,336,000
Student Aid 5,000
Employee Benefits Billed 3,739,000
Miscellaneous 9,022,000
Depart Allot Excl Emp Benefits20,319,000
Employee Benefits0
Sub-Total Departmental Allotment20,319,000
Total PA College of Technology 27,249,00027,084,000