2019-20 Operating Expenditures
PA College of Technology - General Funds
Administrative Area Summary Report

2019-20  Actual
PA College of Technology ExpenseIncome
Academic Salaries24,378,000
Support Salaries26,916,000
Sub-Total Salaries57,405,000
Supplies, Materials & Services1,857,000
Communication Services 312,000
Travel Expense 276,000
Publications, Printing&Copying680,000
Utilities Purchased 2,122,000
Property Expense 680,000
Repairs, Alterations & Capital5,988,000
Insurance & Interest 893,000
Equipment Budget 6,771,000
Student Aid 1,000
Books & Periodicals 409,000
Legal Expense 64,000
Debt Service 4,428,000
Miscellaneous 10,143,000
Depart Allot Excl Emp Benefits34,624,000
Employee Benefits25,748,000
Sub-Total Departmental Allotment60,372,000
Total PA College of Technology 117,777,000117,777,000