2019-20 Permanent Operating Budget
Berks - General Funds
Budget Listing for Administrative Area by Functions Report

Institutional Support ExpenseIncome
00-001-20 BK Director Business Services 214,4175,000
00-001-21 BK Finance Office 102,4710
01-042-32 BK Development 170,0030
01-042-37 BK Univ Relations & Public Info 190,3760
Total Institutional Support 677,2675,000
Academic Support ExpenseIncome
00-001-03 BK Campus Executive Office 577,9490
02-031-11 BK Division of Undergrad Studies 327,1330
02-031-12 BK Instructional Services 1,4260
02-031-37 BK Scholars Program 2,5600
02-031-40 BK Learning Assistance Center 162,2310
02-031-41 BK Fresh Test Counseling Advising5,1290
05-046-01 BK Continuing Educ Administration296,2830
06-032-20 BK Academic Computing 603,3040
Total Academic Support 1,976,0150
Student Services ExpenseIncome
01-089-05 BK Records 149,6700
01-089-10 BK Multiculturl Recrtmt/Retention51,6110
01-089-13 BK Student Recreation 327,2860
01-089-19 BK Dir Student Programs/Services 146,9280
01-089-21 BK Financial Aid 86,6820
01-089-26 BK Support Services 55,2630
01-089-27 BK Career Development & Placement118,1820
01-089-32 BK Educational Opportunity Prog 38,7360
01-089-51 BK Student Programs and Services 200,8630
01-089-59 BK Student Services-Enhancement 7,1280
01-089-60 BK Health Service 51,1260
01-089-61 BK Counseling and Psy Services 58,8730
01-089-78 BK Intramural/Recreational Sports27,2560
01-089-80 BK Admissions 369,2190
01-090-50 BK Facilities Fee 643,0000
01-090-54 BK FA/SP Student Activities Fee 518,6750
Total Student Services 2,850,4980
Instruction ExpenseIncome
02-004-08 BK Agric Econ and Rural Sociology143,5540
02-004-37 BK Food Science 90,4320
02-004-66 BK Horticulture 219,2400
02-005-14 BK Art History 73,8720
02-006-06 BK Undergrad Prog in Bus Admin 365,8680
02-006-11 BK Accounting 195,0660
02-006-19 BK Finance 129,2760
02-006-35 BK Mgmt Sci & Info Sys 129,6360
02-006-36 BK Marketing 116,3520
02-006-37 BK Management and Organization 133,9200
02-012-04 BK Counseling Ed/Psy/Rehab Educ 82,1520
02-012-06 BK Curriculum and Instruction 301,2170
02-012-36 BK Educ/School Psy/Special Educ 62,1360
02-015-55 BK Engr Design, Tech & Prof Progs1,044,0770
02-021-18 BK BK Economics 83,8440
02-021-19 BK BK Crime, Law & Justice 213,6600
02-021-24 BK BK English 868,6980
02-021-28 BK BK French 65,8800
02-021-34 BK BK History 161,2080
02-021-51 BK BK Philosophy 71,8800
02-021-54 BK BK Political Science 113,2560
02-021-55 BK BK Psychology 579,8940
02-021-64 BK BK Sociology 71,8200
02-021-66 BK BK Spanish, Italian & Portuguese 330,3620
02-021-67 BK BK Speech Communication 302,7960
02-021-91 BK BK Latin American Studies 98,3160
02-023-20 BK Hotel Restaurant & Instn Mgmt 366,4710
02-023-23 BK Health and Physical Education 526,4340
02-025-02 BK Information Sciences & Tech 536,0760
02-028-12 BK BK Biochem & Molecular Biology 156,2450
02-028-15 BK BK Biology 378,0970
02-028-21 BK BK Chemistry 431,1720
02-028-28 BK BK Computer Science 102,6720
02-028-44 BK BK Mathematics 450,1800
02-028-54 BK BK Physics 768,9050
02-060-01 BK Resident Education 1,181,8740
02-060-12 BK Continuing Educ Instruction 99,5170
02-068-01 BK Summer Session 292,6560
Total Instruction 11,338,7110
Extension and Public Service ExpenseIncome
05-046-02 BK Management Development 41,00041,000
05-046-52 BK Continuing Educ Non-Credit 284,078281,300
Total Extension and Public Service 325,078322,300
Physical Plant ExpenseIncome
07-060-01 BK Building Operations 1,939,1890
07-060-04 BK Fuel and Utilities Purchased 550,0000
07-060-09 BK Student Parking-Maintenance 15,4440
Total Physical Plant 2,504,6330
Employee Benefits ExpenseIncome
01-003-79 BK Employee Benefits 7,254,5030
Total Employee Benefits 7,254,5030