2016-17 Operating Expenditures
College of Medicine - Restricted Funds
Administrative Area Summary Report

2016-17  Actual
College of Medicine ExpenseIncome
Academic Salaries19,178,088
Support Salaries10,105,257
Sub-Total Salaries29,981,994
Supplies, Materials & Services27,773,181
Communication Services 55,125
Travel Expense 1,081,374
Publications, Printing&Copying254,963
Utilities Purchased 597
Property Expense 104,899
Repairs, Alterations & Capital10,524,079
Insurance & Interest 102,320
Equipment Budget 2,587,769
Conferences & Group Activities940,847
Supplies & Matls For Resale 47,980
Student Aid 1,161,864
Employee Benefits Billed 11,119
Books & Periodicals 78,845
Freight Charges 60,245
Miscellaneous 7,540,757
Depart Allot Excl Emp Benefits52,325,964
Employee Benefits10,916,285
Sub-Total Departmental Allotment63,242,249
Total College of Medicine 93,224,243115,956,274
Indirect Costs Recovered20,369,965
Total (Incl. Indirect Costs)113,594,208115,956,274