2017-18 Operating Expenditures
College of Medicine - Restricted Funds
Administrative Area Summary Report

2017-18  Actual
College of Medicine ExpenseIncome
Academic Salaries18,012,152
Support Salaries9,655,889
Sub-Total Salaries28,254,627
Supplies, Materials & Services25,968,330
Communication Services 66,764
Travel Expense 1,081,403
Publications, Printing&Copying247,259
Property Expense 123,997
Repairs, Alterations & Capital9,716,526
Insurance & Interest 139,542
Equipment Budget 3,558,563
Conferences & Group Activities1,007,295
Supplies & Matls For Resale 26,780
Student Aid 1,168,725
Employee Benefits Billed 3,941
Books & Periodicals 62,967
Freight Charges 45,805
Miscellaneous 6,824,533
Depart Allot Excl Emp Benefits50,042,430
Employee Benefits10,665,311
Sub-Total Departmental Allotment60,707,741
Total College of Medicine 88,962,368118,159,296
Indirect Costs Recovered18,706,828
Total (Incl. Indirect Costs)107,669,196118,159,296