2019-20 Operating Expenditures
College of Medicine - Restricted Funds
Administrative Area Summary Report

2019-20  Actual
College of Medicine ExpenseIncome
Academic Salaries21,477,976
Support Salaries12,161,148
Sub-Total Salaries34,166,511
Supplies, Materials & Services97,643,857
Communication Services 56,156
Travel Expense 820,412
Publications, Printing&Copying186,831
Utilities Purchased 82
Property Expense 21,002
Repairs, Alterations & Capital8,376,293
Insurance & Interest 163,532
Equipment Budget 4,419,046
Conferences & Group Activities974,469
Supplies & Matls For Resale 62,909
Student Aid 2,004,980
Employee Benefits Billed 11,167
Books & Periodicals 42,332
Freight Charges 52,517
Miscellaneous 7,652,683
Depart Allot Excl Emp Benefits122,488,268
Employee Benefits11,765,800
Sub-Total Departmental Allotment134,254,068
Total College of Medicine 168,420,579192,854,170
Indirect Costs Recovered21,171,234
Total (Incl. Indirect Costs)189,591,813192,854,170