2019-20 Operating Expenditures
Dickinson School of Law - Restricted Funds
Budget Listing for Administrative Area by Functions Report

Institutional Support ExpenseIncome
00-001-21 DN Finance Office 43,46545,254
00-001-43 DN Annual Giving 1,122,652-61,963
00-001-56 DN OUD-Dickinson 48,99366,501
01-042-11 DN Alumni 83,755241,323
01-042-32 DN External Affairs 4,24510,812
Total Institutional Support 1,303,110301,927
Indirect Costs Recovered0
Total (Incl. Indirect Costs)1,303,110301,927
Academic Support ExpenseIncome
02-080-01 DN Dean's Office 12,76033,809
06-070-72 DN Firm Orders-Materials & Books 0255
Total Academic Support 12,76034,064
Indirect Costs Recovered0
Total (Incl. Indirect Costs)12,76034,064
Student Services ExpenseIncome
01-090-12 DN SBA - Speakers' Trust 02,355
01-090-13 DN SBA Activities 29,90241,977
01-090-15 DN Student Publications 1,88315,930
Total Student Services 31,78560,262
Indirect Costs Recovered0
Total (Incl. Indirect Costs)31,78560,262
Instruction ExpenseIncome
02-080-19 DN Curriculum Support 60,2855,000
Total Instruction 60,2855,000
Indirect Costs Recovered0
Total (Incl. Indirect Costs)60,2855,000
Extension and Public Service ExpenseIncome
05-080-02 DN Legal Services 28,67738,627
05-080-04 DN Interest On Lawyers Trust Acct173,588173,588
Total Extension and Public Service 202,265212,215
Indirect Costs Recovered0
Total (Incl. Indirect Costs)202,265212,215
Physical Plant ExpenseIncome
07-078-11 DN Building Maint - Trickett Hall0345
Total Physical Plant 0345
Indirect Costs Recovered0
Total (Incl. Indirect Costs)0345
Indirect Costs Recovered0
Total (Incl. Indirect Costs)1,610,205613,813